
Monday, November 8, 2010

Extra Long Monday

I'm definitely a morning person... it's pretty much a guarantee that I get the most done between 5 AM and noon, and then I'm useless after 9 pm. Of course the whole getting up early thing STINKS, until you're actually up and moving. This morning was the best of both worlds, because thanks to Daylight Savings Time change this weekend, a 5:15 alarm felt more like 6:15, and I can't believe that its only 7:30 AM right now.

The downside is that my kids are all off "schedule"... That Girl Baby is already back asleep for a morning nap and Supermans been up since 5:30, but hey, at least my morning feels like its lasting a little extra long today, and I'm ok with prolonging my favorite part of the day.

Now I have a few extra minutes to get a meal plan in... I'm looking in the fridge and pantry and its SPARSE. But I've got a lot of parsley (random) and a ton of carrots and onions, so I'm going to work around that until I can get to the store.

(This post is really really old, so no pictures. But its a great pantry meal for nights I have nothing on hand... like tonight)
(I've blogged this before, but going to reblog with pictures this time)
Buffalo Chicken Pizza

I can't wrap my head around Saturday and Sunday right now... family in town!! What are you making this week?? I need some new ideas!


  1. This is one of my new favorite websites: I made the Whole Wheat pancakes yesterday and they were absolutely delicious!! The recipe made about 20, so I stuck them in the freezer. I used the oven to re-heat a couple this morning while we were running around getting ready and they were sooooo good reheated too! I plan on trying the cornbread this week :)

  2. like i was telling you on the phone tonight, i made chicken and rice in the crockpot. i dont have a rice cooker so i hate waiting for rice to cook. solution? throw brown rice in the crockpot with diced chicken, barley veggie soup and cream of anything, some veggies...yum. plus ive turned the base into many different meals this week. just stirring your pot to get ideas flowing
