
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I'm Thankful For

I've been in a funk lately. I've been a bad blogger. And while I'm at it, a bad wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister, employee, and runner. Sometimes I sign up for way more than I can handle, and when I do I find that instead of being my best at anything, I'm only half-present for everything. The life of a mom is certainly one of a juggler, but it's crucial to realize when there are too many balls in the air.

Last week while trying to get something edible on the table amidst the chaos of the 5 to 6 o'clock hour, I burned pasta. I didn't even know this was possible.

But there I was, trying to squeeze way too much into my week, my day, even that very minute, because that's what women do, and God sent me a little message. Don't spread yourself so thin, Karen, or you're going to burn it.

This stage in life is SO full, SO challenging and SO rewarding, all in the same breath. Little kids can run you ragged and wear you down like you'd never possibly believe or understand until you've experienced it. Yet at the very same time, they fill you with more pride, joy and love than you knew your heart could handle. Now add on to child-rearing the other one zillion life factors... holding down a job, keeping the bank account full, being a supportive spouse, keeping finances in order, keeping in touch with family and friends, trying to stay healthy and active, and maybe even possibly squeezing in some healthy meals for your family, a house that's not a total disaster, and a load of laundry when you can, and you can see how quickly raising your children can start to feel like more of a chore instead of an awesome God-given privilege.

November ushers in a month of Thanksgiving. A month to focus on gratitude. My burned pasta and subsequent melt-down that night reminded me that I need to put down some of the balls I have in the air so that I can be PRESENT and GRATEFUL for the important things in my life that I chose and I am blessed to have.

And because I'm female, the best way to snap me out of my funk, take a deep breath, and re-prioritize that night was clearly... wine and chocolate. I was up late making these for a Pampered Chef Party I was doing the next day, and then decided they didn't need all 48... they could share with me. :)

So THANKS, or no thanks, to Breanna Doyle, for letting me know about this recipe. These are highly-addicting and will vanish quickly!

Peanut Butter Brownie Bites

1 package of Brownie mix (plus, eggs, oil, water that the box recipe calls for)
Cooking Spray with Flour
1 package of Miniature Reeces Peanut Butter Cups

Preheat oven to 350

Spray each cup lightly with the Cooking Spray with Flour. Use a small scoop to fill each mini muffin tin 3/4 full

Open 48 Reeces. Kevin came home while I was making these and saw this stash on the counter. I can only imagine what he was thinking about the kind of day I must have had to create this stash of chocolate wrappers. He quickly disappeared upstairs and out of my sight. HAHA

Push one down into each brownie, then throw them in the oven for 12 minutes

I love my kids and I love my life.
But I'm also thankful for...
A quiet house, wine, chocolate, and a good book.

P.S. Don't let the picture fool you... I had way more than 1.


  1. Oh, I hear ya on all of this! I've been feeling the same way lately. Those brownies look so good!

  2. I looove this post. Such a great reminder! We all have so much to be thankful for. And I WILL be making these - they look amazing!!! for the record, i think you're a great friend love ya!

  3. OH MY GOSH - I can't wait to make those! Glad you were able to enjoy the wine, treats and a good book :) Quiet time is priceless!

  4. While I don't have nearly as much on my plate I totally get you. I think you do a great job though :) You never let on how much you are juggling.
    Growing up my best friend's Mom used to make these all the time. I ate my fair share growing up. Delicious!

  5. Love this post Karen- you're doing great!

  6. weird...i was kind of writing about something sort of similar in my blog...AND i wrote about juggling lol

  7. oops...posted too fast. It's funny how much is going on lately. But..the recipe looks does the wine

  8. I'm thankful for you and this recipe...which I will be making tomorrow, after I go to the store. :) You're a great friend and Mom - but, I TOTALLY get you on this one. It's hard - to have so many balls in the air and I'm constantly feeling like I give everything about 60%. One fine day though, we'll be able to relax - one day.... :)

  9. Seriously that last picture has me canceling my plans and calling it a wine, chocolate, and book night. Yes, this one heck of a season of a life. I'm tired! :)

  10. made them.. LOVED it now bringing it to a cookie exchange next week!!! :)
