
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fish Chowdah

So I finally FINALLY used the halibut I've been hoarding for the past two weeks. I decided to just use it to make a chowder instead of the Fried Fish I had originally planned a milllion years ago. Monday was rainy and cloudy so I figured soup would fit the weather, and besides it might have been our last cold day/soup day... wishful thinking???

Fish Chowder

2 slices bacon (optional... definitely didn't need it... just was in the mood, 5 weeks til baby comes right??)
1 tbl butter
1-2 chopped carrots
a few stalks chopped celery
1 medium chopped onion
a few cloves chopped garlic
1 large or 2 small red potatoes, diced
2 tbl flour
2 1/2 cups skim milk, plus 1 cup skim milk
Halibut, or another white fish like cod, cut into 1 inch pieces
parsley and/or chives (not pictured)
salt and pepper

Dice the bacon and cook it until crispy in your soup pan.

Remove with a slotted spoon to let some of the grease drain.

In the remaining bacon grease (theres not much left) add alllllll your veggies and garlic, the tablespoon of butter, and salt and pepper (and if youre not using bacon just sautee veggies in 2 tbl butter).
***It really really helped that I chopped up all the veggies earlier and then all I had to do was throw them in when I made the soup. It made the whole dish seem so easy. You can buy onion/carrots/celery prechopped at the store too!!***

After sauteeing for a few minutes add in the two tablespoons of flour and mix around. It'll look kinda pasty like this.
Whisk in the 2 1/2 cups of milk. Whisk well!! Bring to a low boil and then reduce heat and let it simmer uncovered for 30 minutes or so ... check back on it every so often and whisk it around though just to make sure nothings getting clumpy. Add some salt and pepper too.
After letting it simmer, add in the chopped fish, the extra cup of cold milk, and stir the bacon back in. Let it cook through for 10 more minutes.
Thennnn I went crazy with the chives and parsley and pepper... I'm pregnant leave me alone.
But anyway, it was really really really really yummy... I loved the big pieces of fish and the coziness of it! More for Kev and I then the kids though... even Batman, my soup lover, didn't give it a try... but thats ok, their loss. :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

Is it really already Monday again?? I already started today off on the wrong foot by skipping my run. I heard the alarm go off at o'dark thirty and knew it was wet out there and just couldn't motivate to get up and go. I'm at that point where sleeping is becoming kind of uncomfortable. I know I must have slept at some point, but I feel like I was up all night going to the bathroom, sitting up and burping (lovely, I know) or pushing little heels back into my belly. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow and hope for a productive Monday nonetheless!

So, beginning Wednesday the weather this week is supposed to be insanely gorgeous. 80 degrees in April!! I'll take it. I'll definitely be utilizing the magic of the crock pot this week.

(yeah I never made that Crispy Fish thats been on my meal plan for two weeks... I defrosted the fish this weekend so it must must be made into something today! And clearly Crispy Fish isn't happening!)
(recipe compliments of Elina)
(made these before, but trying a recipe from You've Got Supper)
(using leftover pulled pork)
At my mom's house
Cooking out... Grilled Steaks and Asparagus (currently in season!!)
The forecast says 83 degrees!! Can't wait
Easter Sunday
Breakfast at my in-laws
Late Lunch with my family, I'm going to try these, a fancy take on Deviled Eggs!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love This So Much I'm Posting It Twice

So I've posted Frittata before, it was actually the first post I ever did! But that was a long time ago when only my mom checked my blog :) So I'm posting it again because everytime I make it I'm just reminded how incredibly, INCREDIBLY easy this is. I also love it because its meat-free but still protein packed (my favorite), you can add whatever veggie you like or have on hand, you can use it for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and all you have to do is call this "egg pizza" to get your kids to gobble it up.

Preheat your oven to 350 and wait for it to preheat before you start cooking. Simply saute your chosen veggies (I did cherry tomatoes and chopped spinach) in a tablespoon of butter (to coat the pan and help keep it non-stick) in a non-stick, oven proof skillet.

Whisk 6 eggs in a bowl with 1/4 cup milk. Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Turn heat off under veggies and add the egg mixture. I topped with some freshly grated parm but any cheese you have or like works.

Stick the skillet straight into the oven. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes until it sets. Then broil on high for 2-3 minutes.

Take it out and let it settle for a minute...

Before you cut it like pizza and serve it up!
A fun twist on this is "Green Chile Frittata"... Follow the steps above but saute chopped red pepper, garlic and onion. Add a cup of green salsa, half a lime, shredded cheddar, a cup of milk and 2 cups of crushed tortilla chips to 12 eggs, then bake for about 25 minutes (measurements for a 12 inch skillet size!) Serve with salsa!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Scallops with Spinach and Canellini Beans

I like this meal because it looks pretty fancy but its actually incredibly simple. Flavorwise its not mind blowing. I mean... its beans and spinach with salt and pepper basically. And thats what it tastes like. BUT its quite good in a clean and simple way, and if you ARE using this for entertaining you can be sure its safe enough that it won't offend anyone's palate!

The recipe is adapted from Cooking Light with some changes.

Scallops with Spinach and Canellini Beans

Olive Oil
1 pound sea scallops
1 cup chopped onion (about 1 medium)
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper
2 garlic cloves minced
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup chicken or veggie broth
1 can canellini beans (or other white bean)
1 package baby spinach
2 tablespoons fresh basil chopped
freshly grated parm

I would have preferred to sear the scallops but we were playing outside and I realized when I came in I forgot to defrost them!! So I baked these from frozen. Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper, then bake 15 minutes at 425 followed by 2 to 3 minutes under the broiler on high.

In a pan saute onion, garlic and olive oil. Add white wine, let reduce for a minute, and then add chicken stock (veg stock for veg version) and beans (drained and rinsed), salt, pepper and crushed red pepper.
Bring it up to a boil and then add in all of the spinach. Let it cook down for a minute to make room for the basil. Add the chopped basil. Reduce heat to a simmer and let it all cook down

Top with some freshly grated parm. I added a squeeze of lemon too.

Serve in a bowl like soup and top with the scallops. I toasted some yummy multigrain bread to sop up all the juice too!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Menu Planning Monday (again)

Oops... I never posted the recipes from last week. But I will get to it!! The beginning of the week stayed on schedule but then THANKFULLY the weather turned glorious. The weather really affects what we eat... and when its nice out we spend a LOT of time outside. This means I come rushing in at 7 pm (thinking, how is it 7 pm already??) and realize the meal I had orginially planned is just not going to work in 10 minutes so I improvise. Friday night our neighbors had a huge cookout so I abandoned my Crispy Fish (while being very happy I bought frozen fish).

Saturday was just so gorgeous I threw my meal plan out the window and went to the store with Kate to buy every summer food we havent eaten in a year. Our eyes were way bigger than our stomachs but I was so happy to use the grill! We had burgers, kielbasa, grilled shrimp, french fries and the list goes on and on. So this week Im going to coordinate the WEATHER with my meal planning. Also we will be out of town for most of the week so there isnt too much to plan this week... woohoo I'm hoping for a cheap grocery bill today.
(I have leftover cabbage from Corned Beef and Cabbage which was, by the way, terrible. Thats what happens when a Mexican Italian makes Irish Food)
(kind of like the link but just different ingredients)
Crispy Fish with Quick Asparagus
(let's try this again)
(70 degrees and sunny people!!)

In running related news, I was able to volunteer at the National Marathon this weekend and had so much fun being a spectator. I've run the National Half the past two years so was very familiar with the area and the course. Why then.... did I get lost on my way to RFK and end up at a very sketchy metro stop on Minnesota Avenue?? We were still able to get to the 13 mile mark in time to see all the people we wanted to see finish!! Congratulations to my amazing sister Laura who PRed by some 40 minutes?! ... to my best friend and former National Half running partner Jackie, many members of the South Riding Running Club and a few neighbors and friends who all did AWESOME!! And a big congrats to my friend Dorothy who coordinated all 800 volunteers in a mere 8 weeks!
I've gotta admit though I was a tiny bit jealous that I couldn't run. I wanted that feeling so bad!! The feeling of finishing that last quarter mile of a race feeling fast, strong and confident, especially on an incredible morning like Saturday is just foreign to me right now. I'm thinking of changing the blog name to Hungry Mom on the Waddle. Why do I keep going? If you're a runner you understand... slow or not you just can't beat the feeling you get when the run is done. And its pretty much the only time I'm not answering to kids the entire day. It's my "me time," and I'm going to soak it up for as long as I can before baby girl gets here (which is, by the way only 7 weeks until full term!)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

My friend Meredith introduced me to this awesome, time-sucking web site called On Mondays the author posts links to literally hundreds of other blogs where weekly meal plans are posted. I love this idea! Everyone could use some new ideas and this is a great place to look. Check out the website yourself on Mondays! Here's my submission for the week... throughout the week I'll post the pics/recipes to the unlinked meals, if they turn out any good!

(perfect for a rainy day)


Wednesday (St. Pattys Day!!)
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Pre-marinated, nitrate free Corned Beef sells at Trader Joes for 4.99 a pound,
its great I got it last year too! And the meal couldn't be simpler.
Gotta love the Irish for their simplicity :)
Chicken, Spinach, Brown Rice, Cherry Tomato Casserole
(kinda making this one up with ingredients I have)

Crispy Fish with Lemon Dill Sauce and Quick Asparagus
(looks like nuggets, Im anticipating a winner with the kids!)


Leftovers or creations from whatevers left in the fridge!


Spaghetti and Meatballs
(Kevin's cooking! more on that story later...)

Speaking of things kids love (or will tolerate)... I just tried out these new "fish nuggets" from Trader Joes this weekend. My picky eater even ate them!! And didn't even realize the difference! Both kids hate fish sticks so I was happy that they'll eat these. Give 'em a try!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slow Cooker Chicken Lettuce Wraps... or not

My friend Leslie introduced me to this great website called You've Got Supper. I like to peek at it each week and see if theres anything that could be added to the menu. Thanks to this glorious weather (!!) I got to see Leslie outside this weekend (shes my neighbor) and she gave me a heads up about the Slow Cooker Chicken Lettuce Wraps on the website! They looked delicious and like something I wanted to eat this week as the weather was supposed to be phenomenal!! Awesome weather means more time outside with the kids, and less time stuck inside cooking, cleaning and breaking up fights!
So with that said I loved how easy this was. So easy. Although I made some changes so it doesn't really fit the title at all - I didnt use the slow cooker because it was faster for me just to cook it all up when I came inside. I used ground turkey instead of ground chicken because its what I had, I threw in some extra veggies, and I used cabbage leaves instead of iceberg lettuce. Cabbage packs way more of a nutritional punch with higher levels of fiber, vitmain C and beta carotene. Check out the website for the original recipe.
Fast Turkey Cabbage Wraps :)
1 pound ground turkey (or chicken)
1 inch piece of gingerroot minced
1 8 oz can water chestnuts
1 handful mushrooms (optional)
1 head of cabbage
2 tbl soy sauce
1/4 cup hoisin sauce
1 tsp chili garlic sauce (start there... add more depending on how spicy you like it!)
I ended up also adding fresh cilantro too which I think added a lot. Mint would also taste good!
Break up the cabbage leaves while your sauteeing. When the inside leaves start getting small just stop. I ended up chopping up that part and throwing it in with the meat for some more crunch.
In a bit of sesame oil or olive oil brown the ground turkey then add the ginger, mushrooms or whatever other veggies if you're using them, and I threw in that chopped cabbage too.
Add the wet stuff... hoisin, soy, and chili garlic sauce. Stir in the water chestnuts (I chopped them up a bit first) and the chopped cilantro.
Serve it on the cabbage leaves. Yup... its that easy!

Kevins out of town for the next week and a half which means two things: Theres a good chance I make dinners not even worth posting, if I even make dinner. And two, I won't be able to run outside for a while. Which means this Hungry Mom on the Run will have no new posts for a while.
On top of that... I'm lacking motivation lately. If you have any tried and true recipes please email them to me at!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Vietnamese Pork and Noodle Soup

Two weeks ago, after our blizzard, I went to the Home Farm Store to get some meat for the month. I couldn't believe that they had absolutely no chicken when I went. Being the born-and- bred city girl that I am, my first emotion was annoyance at this enormous inconvenience. The more I thought about it the more it made sense - they were affected by the snow storm just like the Giants and Wegmans of NOVA. However for them it was even worse... supplying their store takes more than having a truck drop off some chickens that were butchered who knows where and who knows when! The snow affected every aspect of their supply chain beginning with the egg and ending with the nice, packaged boneless chicken breast I was there to purchase. It reminded me that being committed to eating local means not everything is available all the time... a luxury I know I have grown used to.

So on that note, I stocked up on some pork tenderloin because it was all they had at the time. The cilantro, scallions, tomatoes and jalapenos in this recipe are ALL things that grow in the summer and if I was really awesome, I wouldn't use them at all because I know that to thrive they had to have been grown in some warmer climate meaning they were shipped from quite far away...losing nutrients and wasting fossil fuels in the process.

This is just further proof that everything is easier in the summertime if you ask me. Anyone can say they support local food in the summer... its easy! Everything grows! Just like anyone can call themselves a runner in the summer. It takes a lot more dedication to wake up in the freezing, dark, cold of winter and force yourself outdoors than a nice, warm, sunny morning. I wonder if I could ever be as dedicated to eating seasonally as I am to running through the seasons.

This recipe is pretty easy and is the kind of thing you want to have when you're sick. The ginger and jalapenos would clear up your sinuses in a heartbeat! Kid friendly... not so much. But I used the linguine noodles in the soup to make them their own kid friendly pasta, so I didn't feel like I was making two totally separate meals.

Vietnamese Pork and Noodle Soup
(from Food and Wine magazine, with changes of my own)

1 handful of linguine
1 inch piece of ginger, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
6 scallions, chopped
1 pork tenderloin cut into strips (mine was about 1/2 pound)
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 tbl fish sauce (it really doesn't taste fishy in the soup)
1 tbl soy sauce
1 qt of chicken broth
bean sprouts
half a bag of spinach
juice from 1 lime
cilantro leaves chopped (or basil or mint)
chopped fresh jalapenos (optional of course, necessary if you ask me!)

Cook linguine separately. Heat olive oil in a soup pan. Add pork tenderloin (lightly salted), ginger, garlic, and scallions

Add tomatoes and jalapenos. Let cook down for a bit.

Add chicken broth, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Let it come to a boil, add spinach and reduce to a simmer.

Add bean sprouts, lime juice and chopped cilantro.

Before serving stir in the linguine noodles. A little goes a long way.

Yum Yum