Saturday was just so gorgeous I threw my meal plan out the window and went to the store with Kate to buy every summer food we havent eaten in a year. Our eyes were way bigger than our stomachs but I was so happy to use the grill! We had burgers, kielbasa, grilled shrimp, french fries and the list goes on and on. So this week Im going to coordinate the WEATHER with my meal planning. Also we will be out of town for most of the week so there isnt too much to plan this week... woohoo I'm hoping for a cheap grocery bill today.

(I have leftover cabbage from Corned Beef and Cabbage which was, by the way, terrible. Thats what happens when a Mexican Italian makes Irish Food)
(kind of like the link but just different ingredients)
Crispy Fish with Quick Asparagus
(let's try this again)
Grilled Pregnant Salmon
(70 degrees and sunny people!!)
In running related news, I was able to volunteer at the National Marathon this weekend and had so much fun being a spectator. I've run the National Half the past two years so was very familiar with the area and the course. Why then.... did I get lost on my way to RFK and end up at a very sketchy metro stop on Minnesota Avenue?? We were still able to get to the 13 mile mark in time to see all the people we wanted to see finish!! Congratulations to my amazing sister Laura who PRed by some 40 minutes?! ... to my best friend and former National Half running partner Jackie, many members of the South Riding Running Club and a few neighbors and friends who all did AWESOME!! And a big congrats to my friend Dorothy who coordinated all 800 volunteers in a mere 8 weeks!
I've gotta admit though I was a tiny bit jealous that I couldn't run. I wanted that feeling so bad!! The feeling of finishing that last quarter mile of a race feeling fast, strong and confident, especially on an incredible morning like Saturday is just foreign to me right now. I'm thinking of changing the blog name to Hungry Mom on the Waddle. Why do I keep going? If you're a runner you understand... slow or not you just can't beat the feeling you get when the run is done. And its pretty much the only time I'm not answering to kids the entire day. It's my "me time," and I'm going to soak it up for as long as I can before baby girl gets here (which is, by the way only 7 weeks until full term!)
hungry mom on the waddle!! funniest thing ive heard all day!