Thursday, March 31, 2011
There's No "I" in "RUN"

Monday, March 28, 2011
Menu Planning Monday
So let's talk about food instead!
And the fact that it is supposed to SNOW on Wednesday/Thursday! Clearly I plan my meals around the weather...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Close... But No Cigar
With that being said... this weekend, I won a 5k?? Before you get all excited, this was a SMALL race in my neighborhood. But I'm not going to lie... I kind of felt like a superstar.
I went into it hoping to test out my speed for the upcoming half marathon I've been training for over the winter. I fully expected to run my fastest 5K. I did NOT expect to experience hearing people cheer "First Female!!" on the course, or to experience breaking that finishing ribbon. I definitely did not expect to leave that morning with over $600 worth of cash prizes and most awesomely, a trophy that is literally taller than TGB. As much as I have never been into running to beat anyone but myself, there was something REALLY fun about winning. Enter Charlie Sheen joke here.
But seriously, it was so fun.
The boys think it is the most amazing thing ever. I think it is the most amazing thing ever that they got to see Mommy excel at something. As a stay at home mom, most of what they know about me revolves around picking up toys, forcing disgusting foods down their throats and wiping butts. Showing them that Mommy can also work really hard and run really fast gives me greater joy than any title I took home Saturday.
Still, I'm sitting here this week a touch disappointed because even though it was super fun to win, I didn't beat myself. I could have, and I probably would have, but we will never know. The course was accidently marked .14 miles shy of a certified 5K course, so even though I was on pace for a 6:23 average finish time, I can never claim it as my fastest 5K time, because technically I didn't run a 5K. It was close... but no cigar.
This weekend I'm running National Half Marathon and I'm thankful for the little chip God put on my shoulder after this week's race. I still have more to prove to myself. Winning isn't everything.
Here's a super simple pantry meal I've been whipping up almost every Friday since Lent started. It's kind of like a grown up Tuna Noodle. I love that all the kids (even TGB) can eat some part of it, I love that all the ingredients were taken straight from my pantry or freezer (well, parm from the fridge, but parm lasts forever), and I love putting a can of tuna in my dinner. Is that weird? It's a great cheap-quick-healthy protein to throw into food and it's kinda like chicken.
Well, it's close... but no cigar :)
I also like to use this Frozen Fettucine Alfredo with Mushrooms from Trader Joe's......and add my own peas and tuna to it. That's literally a 5 minute dinner. But to be fair to you poor peeps without a TJ's, here's the lengthy, albeit lighter version.
Cream of Mushroom (I'm kinda partial to this TJ's one, but any will do)
thick egg noodles
1 cup peas
2 cloves garlic
1 cup grated parm
1 can of tuna
1/3 cup of white wine
1 tablespoon parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup pasta water, reserved
Boil the water to get the pasta started. Meanwhile I grated the cheese.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
It's Simple Part Two
I was a little nervous because Chicken Pot Pie is a touch too close to baking for me and if you've read this blog before you know how I feel about that! I was scared the pie crust wouldn't cook correctly or brown properly and all that, so I definitely did not even attempt to make my own. I actually happened to have this Trader Joe's pie crust in the freezer already since Thanksgiving, when I thought I might attempt some sort of pie but never mustered the courage.
This came together in about 15 minutes. I was able to put it together in the morning before school so that I could just throw it in the oven at dinner time. I also love that I could totally make and freeze this! I also loved that it was a yummy pot pie that had a fraction of the fat as the store bought version... take that Marie Calendar!
Add whatever veggies your people will eat... I went with carrots and green peas because they are my safest bet, but whatever you have will work!
Leftovers Chicken Pot Pie
Pie Crust (make sure the package has 2, do they all?)
3 cups of chicken broth (I used the leftover broth I refrigerated and saved)
2 cups cooked and shredded chicken
3 or 4 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 cup frozen peas
3 tbl olive oil
3 tbl flour
1/3 cup milk
1/2 cup 0% fat Greek Yogurt
Salt and Pep
Add the Greek Yogurt, peas, and chicken, add salt and pepper to taste, and just stir it up and let it sit over low heat while you get the pie crust together
Poured the mixture in
Put the top layer of pie crust on and pinched the edges around to seal it