
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sausage and Eggs Part 2

So, after I got through making the mini egg muffins, I gave a few to the boys for dinner. By the time I got everyone bathed, in bed and the house somewhat picked up, Kevin still wasn't home and I didn't feel hungry or energized enough to make the Enchilada Frittata I meal-planned. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the 10 mini-egg muffins I "sampled."

But while I got more food out on the counter to make the boy's lunches, my tummy started rumbling and my wheels started turning. I did already have that sausage chopped up. I do have 4 eggs left. I do have that Enchilada sauce already. And I do need to use those potatoes and peppers from CSA. I've written before how the best things happen organically, and this was definitely one of those times.

This was AWESOMMMEEE. Like "I'm salivating sitting here thinking about how amazing it was" awesome. I almost killed Kevin's half while I waited for him to get home... I had to text him to warn him that his dinner was going to be gone if he didn't get home immediately (it worked, at least I know how to get him home earlier now).

Mexican Hash

4 eggs
chopped up precooked turkey breakfast sausage
3 cloves garlic
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
half a green pepper, diced
half an onion, diced
half a cup of cheese (didn't use as much as pictured)
Trader Joes Enchilada Sauce
***(I can't stress enough how this is the best enchilada sauce you can buy, seriously its the perfect blend of flavor and heat. It's very mild compared to any other canned enchilada sauce!! If you don't have a TJ's by you, I'm sincerely sorry for you)***
cilantro for garnish
Flour tortillas for sopping up amazing sauces

Is it weird to "saute" raw potatoes? I don't know, but I did it, and it was tasty. First do potatoes and garlic in olive oil, then add onions and green peppers. Let it all cook until the onions get translucent, stirring frequently.

Pour some enchilada sauce on top, as much or as little as you want.

Add the chopped breakfast turkey sausage. Mix it up and let it simmer for a while so the potatoes can cook through a bit.

And add some cheese, duh.

Then in a separate small pan I fried 4 eggs

Flipped each one on top of the potatoes, then topped with cilantro, some salt, and a little bit of hot sauce just cause.

I had no idea when this picture was taken how my life was about to change forever. :)


  1. i cannot wait to try this! it looks delicous!!

  2. done. im making it this week.
    and i'll let you know how it goes since im one of the poor unfortunate souls (little mermaid anyone?) who doesn't have a TJ's!!
