
Thursday, September 30, 2010

And the winner is...

In go the names...

As promised, Superman was able to sneak away from very important superhero duties like destroying the toy room and tormenting his little brother, just long enough to make an appearance for the big drawing.

Batman officiated, to ensure there was no cheating.

And Superman chose...

a little closer...

Sadie's mommy! You win. Shoot me an email at so I can help you to redeem your $45 gift card toward any one of CSN's stores!
If you didn't win, don't be bummed! CSN emailed me about another giveaway opportunity and I'll be announcing my own Pampered Chef giveaway next week! Batman will be doing the draw next time, so maybe he'll bring you better luck :)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You know what I can't believe? That you took the time to write everyone's names on pieces of paper! Looking forward to the next contest!

  3. i love batman's strict supervising...that face is so darn cute!

  4. Please keep doing giveaways just for the pics!!!! Love it!!
