
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It’s Still Pumpkin Time

“MOM! Don’t they know it’s not Christmas yet?!”

I’ve trained my kids well.  The Wreaths and Big Red Bows that don every shopping center in suburbia are perplexing to them.  At this house, Christmas celebrations start AFTER Thanksgiving.   Admittedly, RIGHT after Thanksgiving since I usually drag the Christmas boxes out the minute the last turkey sandwich is gobbled up.  

Let me be the first to confess, I was actually not that annoyed to see Red Christmas cups at Starbucks before Halloween.  I mean, I really really do love Christmas and everything about it.  But there is something sad about the way we, as a society, are always chomping at the bit for the next big event.  Can’t I just enjoy my family, and my turkey, and this very moment before the media starts stressing me out about that packed December calendar, the fact that I still have pumpkins out front, the financial stress of the holidays, the fact that I have “25 days 20 hours and 16 minutes” to finish my holiday shopping, and quite frankly everything else that distracts me from the TRUE meaning of Christmas.  

I’ve felt the same stresses lately related to running.  It’s time to decide what I want to do about a Spring marathon, and I just feel torn about my decision.  While I appreciate looking forward and planning for what’s next to come, I don’t want to be always so focused on what’s ahead that I miss what’s current.  I want to enjoy November for what it is… a time to pause, reflect, and be thankful for the here and now.

Today I’m thankful for a 70 degree morning and short sleeves on my run.

I’m thankful that I get to write this post with a cute little 18 month old on my lap feeding me crackers.

I’m thankful that it is November, and I don’t feel guilty about still having my pumpkins out front and Pumpkin Chili for dinner.

This recipe is super easy and healthy too.  You can easily adapt it to stovetop and have it ready in 30 minutes but I prefer the crockpot so I can make it a convenient time and basically just keep it warm until dinner.

Oh and, the cute 18 month old found the delete button on the computer so use your imagination for the first few pictures.

Pumpkin Turkey Chili
(also… super easy to double but this easily feeds 4)

1 pound lean Ground Turkey
1 yellow pepper
1/2 an onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 14 oz can diced tomatoes 
1 14 oz can Chicken Broth (or more depending on how soupy or thick you like your chili)
1 14 oz Can Canellini Beans (drained)
1 14 oz can Pumpkin Puree (pure pumpkin, NOT the pumpkin pie puree)
3 tablespoons chili powder
Whatever chili toppings you like… I went with cheese, scallions and greek yogurt

In a skillet, brown the ground turkey.  About 3/4 of the way through add peppers, onion and garlic.  I like to saute the veggies a bit before I throw it in the crock-pot because I feel like it helps to bring out the flavors a bit more, especially if I have less than 4 hours of crock-pot time.

Move to the crock-pot

Then start the dumping… dump tomatoes

dump the pumpkin… the pumpkin makes this creamy and awesome!!

Drain and wash the canellini beans

annnnd dump

Now the chili powder

The chicken broth

Then cover the top and let her go.

The longer you let this go in the crockpot the thicker it gets.  I only had about 3 hours before dinner but it was still awesome.

Annnd you caught me… that’s totally not greek yogurt but a big dollop of sour cream.  :)


  1. I think you forgot the pumpkin in the ingredient list. How much do you use? This looks awesome!

  2. haha yes, yes I did, oops! I can… I will edit, thanks!!

  3. I'm hoping I get motivation to try this one. Usually I only like pumpkin-sweet things but this sounds good! whatever race you decide just hope you keep running with meeee :):):)

  4. Loved your comments about living in the moment and not feeling stressed about the "next thing." I can so relate.

    This recipe looks awesome. Never though about pumpkin in chili and am going to adapt to vegetarian. Have loved your blog ever since Kelly F. told me about it. The white sauce enchiladas are now my husband's favorite meal. :) Thank you!

  5. I am back from my trip to Argentina and I was looking for a good slow cooker recipe and I was so excited to see this, it's like you read my mind. So I am off for a run then a run to the grocery store, yeah!

  6. yum! I'm glad you posted this after our pinterest "chat"...I plan on making your version in the next few days! :)

  7. I am making this recipe right now! One question: crock pot on low or high?

    Great to run with you this morning!

  8. @amy, thank you for the comment!! I have thought of you and your cookies at my last few parties… you are so talented!

    @ kathy - YAY! Hope it was good… the run and the chili :)

    @ christine - hope this one lives up to the pinterest recipe!!

    @ alison - under 4 hours put it on high, over 4 hours go low
