
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Taper Time

It’s here, it’s here!  Tapering is both the best and worst time of training.  Half of me is PUMPED about getting a break from intense long runs and workouts.. conveniently, right in time for out first week of school!  The other half of me is wondering if I did all that I could.  Wondering if I gave it my all on every single run that led up to this time.

At the current moment, I’m feeling grateful for the running reprieve this week.  My number one focus is going to be all about sending my first baby boy on a big yellow school bus for the very first time. Tomorrow morning we enter the next chapter of our parenting lives.  The backpack is packed, the camera battery charged, the clothes laid out, forms filled, supplies bought, and (a little regretfully) PTA dues are paid.

Just with marathon tapering, I’m having mixed emotions about this transition onto the next chapter.  Half of me is bursting with excitement for him. The other half has doubts.  Did I do all I could to prepare him for this next phase?  Am I going to be the mom he needs me to be in the coming years when we face bullies, and girlfriends, and being picked last at recess?  Did I savor each and every minute I was blessed to be at home with him?

Time is up on both accounts.  Now its time to sit back, trust in the “training,” and watch the fruits of my labor come to be.

So yes, I’m thankful for the running break this week so I can focus all my energy on my baby.  Here’s to keeping it simple this week.

Simple Grilled Chicken Pesto Packets

Chicken breasts (one per person)
1 tablespoon of pesto per chicken breast
olive oil
any veggies… I chose spinach, onion, and roasted red and yellow pepper from a jar
Aluminum foil
salt and pepper

pour about a tablespoon of olive oil onto a sheet of foil

Add the chicken breast

Take one tablespoon of the pesto

Spread it all over

Top with spinach

The roasted peppers

And the onion

Then wrap it up in the foil loosely so there’s room to steam in there

Grill for about 15 minutes.  

Simple and perfect.


  1. What is Superman wearing on the first day of school? I can't believe he will be on a bus!!!!!!!! tears/smiles

  2. Good luck with first day of school AND your marathon! Thanks for a quick and easy recipe!

  3. My kind of recipe! Can't believe the first day has come and gone. I still get the first day jitters. Drew's going to do so well and so are you come marathon day!
