
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Making it Happen

I know some amazing women.

I know women who get up and run mere days after having babies. I know women who work full time outside the home, have kids, and still make the time to run marathons. I know women who make time EVERY single day to be in God's word. I know women who drag multiple kids to the store every week and still manage to cut (and remember to bring) coupons?! I know women who blow me away with their home-decorating skills. I know (one) woman with six kids that still manages to make the time to be a wonderful, caring friend to others. I know single moms who do it ALL on their own! I even know TWO women who had twin babies just weeks apart. And they BOTH have one older girl. And they are BOTH named Kym (one Kym, one Kim). I know. That's freaky.

Something I really like about "the Kim's" is that they refuse to let the daunting task of twin babies keep them from making it happen. I love people who make it happen. I love and admire that so much. Whether that means prepping your meals on Sunday night for the whole week because you work. Or running in the very wee hours of the morning to get it done. Or feeding two babies simultaneously while cleaning up toys with your toes. They do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Kym (with a Y) just signed up for the GW Classic 10 Miler. Here's what I love about that. She doesn't run, her twin babies are 4 months old, and we are in the dead middle of a very dark and cold winter. I see so many excuses she could come up with to get out of it. But she doesn't! She found a training plan online and is building her way from the ground up to make it happen on race day.

This is why I love running so much. ANYONE from ANY background and in ANY circumstance can decide to make it a part of their lives, they just have to make it happen.

Kym sent me this recipe a few weeks ago and I've made it three times since. It is soooo easy, and SO yummy!! Kevin and I fight over who gets the last dumpling every time. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is one of my all-time favorite dinners. Thanks Kym, Kim, and all the other amazing women I know, for inspiring me to make running happen, and to make dinner happen! xoxo

Kym's Dumpling Soup

1 32 oz carton of Veggie Broth
1 to 2 tbl Soy Sauce
1 tbl Toasted Sesame Oil
1 tablespoon chopped ginger
3 carrots
Green onions
~ 1 pound frozen potstickers (I found it in the international freezer section)

Just pour the veggie broth in the pot! This time I fudged and used ground ginger, but I do prefer it with the fresh ginger! But, you do what you have to do to make it happen :)

Add 1 tablespoon of the sesame oil

Add the soy sauce

While thats all simmering, prepare the carrots to julienne

Now Im cheating because I have a julienne peeler which makes this a breeze. But it doesn't matter what shape the carrots are, they all taste the same. Either cut into sticks, or just chop them. Before I had a julienne peeler I used to just use a vegetable peeler and "peel" the carrot into thin strips.

Throw it in the simmering soup with the chopped green onions

Add the potstickers. You can find pork, veggie, chicken, even shrimp. Whatever suits you.

Let them sink and cook and really, just do nothing.

Ok this time I julienned some zucchini too because I was bored waiting for the dumplings to cook and I had zucchini leftover.

It really is this easy.

So I use this recipe as a base, but have also added handfuls of spinach, fresh basil and pressed garlic before. You could really add whatever veggie you wanted and it would be delish.
BUT what I think really makes this soup awesome is SRIRACHA. I am obsessed with sriracha. Its pretty spicy... but its a sweet, vinegary kind of hot and not a pointless kind of hot. Give it a try, your tongue and your metabolism will thank you.


  1. definitely making those this week! yum!

  2. That looks so yummy. I will definitely try this. One thing my boys actually like is dumplings so they may like this too. I love sesame oil and sriracha! Perfect soup for cold weather.

  3. Mmm...looks tasty and sooo easy! And I love the article...amazing women for sure!

  4. I just picked up Sriracha this week...I have seen it mentioned on several other blogs. I cannot wait to try this soup.

  5. Awww great post!!! I love cheering my friends on in what they're good at. Everyone has their own talent :) Great recipe! I want to try another soup.

  6. this looks delish!!

    I made your green enchilada bake and threw it in the freezer for a yummy dinner next week (bruce has been in Denver all week for work, and I didn't want to be left alone with the enchiladas to eat all by myself!) ;)

  7. oh this sounds great! Wish I was better at 'making it happen' sometimes. always a work in progress! :)

  8. Making it happen... love it! You always do a good job of making so much happen! The Kim's are an inspiration. I don't know how they manage but every time I'm at Kim's her house is clean, tidy and she has a smile on her face.

  9. am i the only one who read this blog and cried? i blame the fact that i just got home from church and haven't been in awhile :) great post kj

  10. I made this tonight! I threw in some basil, green pepper, yellow squash, fish sauce, and lime. So good!
