
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tacky Tree

Growing up we always had a "tacky" tree. You know the kind... colored lights, homemade ornaments, popcorn strings and tinsel? I very clearly remember the year we bought two trees, just so my mom could decorate one pretty tree for herself!

I love, love, love and appreciate a beautifully decorated Christmas tree! But since I grew up with a tacky tree myself, I really can't imagine any other tree in this house! Each year my mom would make these homemade ornaments with us to hang on the tree. They were so simple, sooo tacky, and one of my favorite Christmas traditions!

These are embarrassingly easy to make. In fact, I decided on a whim we should make them yesterday while it was rainy out, and I even had all the ingredients lying around. The boys can't wait to put them on our "tacky tree" this weekend!

Clay Ornaments

2 cups of flour
1 cup room temp water
1/2 cups of cheapo grantulated salt (like Mortons)

Christmas cookie cut outs and whatever paints or markers you have laying around!

Preheat the oven to 325. Pour the salt in with the flour and mix it up

Slooooowly add the water while mixing

Mix a bit and add more water if it seems way too dry. Should look like this.

Then take it out and shape it into a ball like so

Then knead it for ten minutes. Or three, thats all we had the patience for.

Roll it out, to about a quarter inch thickness, yeah my nailpolish has gotta go

Then cut out your shapes! One very important step I forgot was to punch holes with a toothpick in the tops before baking so that you can hang them on your tree!!!

Then bake for an hour until they are golden brown!

When they are cool, decorate!

Wouldn't Grandma loooooove a few of these? :)


  1. i made these when i was a kid and my mom still puts them out every year! might have to have my kids do them this year. great memories :)!

  2. What a great idea! growing up we had a tacky tree the kids were allowed to decorate with anything we wanted and mom had the beautifully decorated one :). this looks like fun. I'm all about the crafts!

  3. oh yes, we will need to make some of these!!

  4. Karen! Our Christmas tree was not tacky! Scrooge!

  5. this is a great idea!! The boys seemed to have loved doing it! :):)
