
Friday, October 8, 2010

Goodbye Tomatoes

Goodbye rip, red, juicy tomato sandwiches. Goodbye fresh salsa. Goodbye corn, goodbye zucchini! I'm sad to see summer foods go, but there are foods to love every season. I got excited when I saw all the butternut and spaghetti squashes out at Trader Joes. It reminded me that Fall is really in full swing now. Then suddenly it hit me, that means the fall racing season has begun as well. You know, that Army 10 miler I signed up forever ago? Which used to seem so so far away? It's in two weeks!

Around this time last year, I found out I was pregnant 2/3 through fall Marathon training. I swore that I would be back out this fall to run another. When I grappled with the decision to sign up this past Spring, my girlfriend Dorothy gave me great, simple advice... WHY? You have the rest of your life to run marathons. She was so right, and I'm so glad I wasn't trying to prove anything to myself this summer by squeezing in long runs after sleepless nights, or trading in valuable and rare family time on Saturdays.

I gave myself the summer off. But when those big old spaghetti squashes stared me down in the grocery store, I realized break-time is coming to an end. Anyone who has ever had a baby knows that the real gestation lasts much longer than 9 months. It takes a while to feel like your old, pre-baby self again. I'm excited to get out there this fall for 5ks (my first is this weekend!), 10ks, and the 10 miler. It makes me feel like some of the old Hungry Mom is back.

Goodbye Summer/Hello Fall Chicken

2 chicken breasts (recipe calls for skin-on, but I think its quicker this way, and makes me feel a little better about all the butter)
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
White wine (about a cup)
half stick butter :)
1/2 lemon (not pictured)
fresh rosemary
Freshly grated parm
Cherry, grape or Roma tomatoes (halve them if you use Roma)
Red onion
1 Spaghetti Squash

If you're making this you have to think ahead a little bit on the timing. You're going to want to roast at 400 degrees both the tomatoes (for 30 min) and the spag squash (for 45 min) first.

Spaghetti Squash goes cut sides down on a cookie sheet (or stone) with 1 cup water, little olive oil, and some balsamic. Oven for 45 minutes to an hour.

Toss the tomatoes and sliced red onions with olive oil, salt, pep, balsamic (no such thing as too much), and fresh rosemary. This part MAKES the dish. I wish I made 5 times this amount. Put it in the 400 degree oven with the squash for 30 minutes. Might want to check it half way through and give it a little stir.

While the squash and tomatoes are roasting, melt a couple tablespoons of butter. Add the sliced chicken and a sprig of rosemary.

Add half a squeezed lemon. It was so hard to take this picture.

And about a cup of wine? I did about a turn of the pan. This picture was a little easier to take. I guess I'm pretty good at multitasking while pouring wine :) When chicken is cooked through, remove it and let the sauce reduce/thicken a bit.

Tomatoes are done! They are SO. GOOD.

TGB was helping me by looking cute and staying quiet.

When the squash is done, let it cool and then scrape out the insides. If you do it in the right direction, then it comes out looking kind of like spaghetti.

I even took some and added tomato sauce to it to give to the boys as "pasta," but it didn't fool Superman. I hope you have better luck.

So add another tablespoon or three of butter, salt, a little rosemary, and some freshly grated parm and mix it up. This part is delicious enough to make and serve as a side dish!!!!!!

Top with the chicken, tomatoes, and pour the reduced wine sauce on top!

Are you running any fall races this year? Which ones?? Go read Mile Posts if you don't already for great great marathon and general race day tips!


  1. Yum! Looks delicious. I'm a fan of butternut squash. I'm so glad you gave yourself time off. My first big race back was a 10 miler and I've never regretted the decision. Good luck tomorrow :)

  2. I was feeling very "fallish" this week and bought a spaghettis squash too! I didn't know what I was going to make... I do now... yumm! Can't wait.
