
Thursday, September 9, 2010

My First Giveaway!

So imagine my excitement when I recieved an email from CSN Stores requesting that I do a giveaway on my blog?? I was shocked that this humble little blog, which I started as a way to catalog recipes for myself, was even a blip on their radar. In fact, when I first saw the email I almost immediately deleted it as spam! But after doing a bit of research, it seems that CSN is actually more than legit... they are enormous. They run over 150 "niche" stores on the internet and are one of the fastest growing online internet retailers in the country! So basically with this $45 giftcard I'm giving away, you can buy just about any little thing your heart desires. Seriously, from a bistro set, like the one I'm sitting at right now with my cup o' Joe, to a yoga mat, to dog food!

It's pretty awesome that they are giving me the opportunity to share more with you than just recipes... now I can give you some free mula!! And who doesn't like free mula.

SO here are the THREE things you'll need to do to enter the giveaway for $45 to a CSN online store...

1. Become a follower of this blog
2. Leave a comment on THIS posting that you are entering the contest and that you are a follower of this blog
3. Kiss your computer screen for luck. This is very important

Thats it. Very simple. The contest will end 3 WEEKS from now, on the last day of the month. The winner will be chosen at random... ie, superman picking your name out of a bowl.

Good luck!!


  1. I'm entering your contest and of course I'm a follower ;) Come on superman pick me :)

  2. I'm entering the contest! Superman, keep it in the family :)

  3. I'm a follower :) I think I may have been one of the first?!?!

  4. I'm in! I will buy Superman presents with the gift card if he picks me... lots of presents!

  5. i just became a follower. i found this blog while looking at another and have tried some of your recipes. thanks for posting, and here i go to kiss my screen :)

  6. I am entering this contest and I am a follower.

  7. Congratulations Kaaj! Count me in and call me the winner :)

  8. Love your Blog...In fact, I made the Monkey Bread this morning, and am going to make the "Summer" Bruschetta tonight. ;) The screen has been kissed! :)

  9. I'm a follower and must enter this!

  10. Officially entering your first contest - wahoo! Dedicated follower. I visit your blog more than my recipe books! :)

  11. I'm a follower of your blog! I am also doing my first giveaway on my blog for Shutterfly. Stop by and enter!

  12. woohoo! so excited for you KJ! We are moving to a new apt next month so this could come in handy

  13. I follow and would love to win your csn giveaway!!Awesome!!!Okay,on to that last part.OOH,Now my lips are all dusty!!!!Yuck and I think I have windex on my lips,hope I live!

  14. I'm a follower, entering your contest!

  15. I'm a follower and would love to be entered.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  16. I'm a follower! Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. Please enter me, I am a follower. My 5 yr old Ballerina kissed Superman's pic over there for good luck!

  18. YAY! Are you hungrymom?! Pick me superman, you can play with my dogs!

  19. I'm a follower! I'm entering the contest! If superman doesn't pick me he isn't getting a birthday present...

  20. I'm in! Have loved your site for a long time :)

  21. Hi! I'm a new follower. Nice to meet you! :)
    I've also linked you in to my blog on

  22. i'm a follower. running and eating- two of my favorite things to do! :-)

  23. Ohhhh would love this for Christmas shopping!! Also I am a follower of your blog :)

  24. I am a follower and entering the contest! Tell Superman he needs to pick Sadie's mommy!

  25. I am entering this contest and I am a follower.

  26. Yeay I am entering this contest and I am pretty sure I am a follower since it's coming in on my google reader but will check now! If I don't win can you make me that milkshake as a consolation prize :)?

  27. I'm a new follower, found you thru another blog! Congrats on your first giveaway! Hope I win!!

    cheapskate4life at

  28. I am entering the contest and I am a follower of this blog!

  29. I am a follower! And I would so love to win. Also, I really should have cleaned this computer before I kissed it.

  30. Please enter me! I am a follower (ElennaLouise). I am kissing my computer as we speak! I'd kiss Superman if he were around by way of a bribe! :)
    elenna {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  31. I follow you on GFC as Jennai. I am definitely entering your contest -- count me in, please! I kissed and hugged my computer for good luck!
    HobartsMama {AT} AOL.COM
