
Monday, August 2, 2010

Hey Hey its My Birthday

August 2nd. Today I turn 25. Yes I know, I'm a baby and I generally don't like to tell people my age but with each passing year, I become more comfortable with and thankful for God's plan to kick start my mom years. It's funny though because I realized this morning I'm not overly estatic for my birthday as I have been in years past. Normally I'm known for being semi-obnoxious about it by plannning events for nearly the whole week, and using the "its my birthday" card with my husband in every possible instance.

I realized this morning what has changed in my 25th year is that for the first time I feel an enormous sense of inner peace. I'm not looking to the future for better days, and I'm definitely not nostalgic for the past, I am one hundred percent satisfied with the here and now. I don't need to do something today to make it extra fun and special, because I truly feel blessed with fulfilled with what my normal day holds.

I got to rise with the sun this morning and go on a run with a friend.

I came home to three healthy, sweet, adorable children.

I got to kiss my handsome husband who works so hard to give us a great life.

What else do I need? Not much.

Except maybe mexican for lunch. And for Breyers to be on sale :)

Anyway, this is another delicious recipe from the kitchen of Judy DelliColli! I stopped by her house last week and she was kind enough to clear out her vegetable garden for me! By August, the normal old hamburger and hotdogs on the grill are getting tiresome. Here is a great and super easy way to spice up your burger.

Teriyaki Burgers

1 pound ground beef or turkey

About 1/4 cup teriyaki sauce (this ones from TJ's)

About 3 tbl soy sauce

Chopped/Pressed garlic

chopped fresh green onions

chopped or grated finger, about 1 tbl

hamburger buns

Simply add the soy, teriyaki, green onions, garlic and ginger to the meat in a bowl and mix well.

I had to stop and take a picture of what was going in in my house while I was making this. I don't want my posts to fool you into thinking I actually have things under control over here with three kids under 5. Yes, that is Batman riding a pink bike, naked, through the house.

Form into patties, top with some freshly ground pepper and refrigerate until ready!

Here are the fresh salad greens and quirky little yellow tomatoes from Judy's garden I was excited to use. I love eating homegrown/local!!
Thought these greens would go perfect with ginger dressing, you can get this in the Asian section at most grocery stores!

Then, because I like a little green in every meal, I threw the salad on top of the burger. The ginger dressing and the crunchy greens were the perfect addition.


  1. happy birthday lady!
    Making this tomorrow :) (minus the grated "finger" hopefully !!!! jk)

  2. HAHAHAHA I didnt realize I did that. Excellent, Im not changing it

  3. This looks delicious! I love all of the asian aromatics!

    I need a friend that needs to clear out her vegetable garden!

  4. this sounds delicious! making these asap. :) I think i'm doing a mexican themed HH for my birthday. i don't celebrate anything without a margarita in hand. ;)

  5. mmmm chopped or grated finger! those look delish!

  6. I just started following your blog. Love your recipes. Can't wait to try some.

  7. Thanks Karen. It was fun to try something different. Next time we'll make the burgers larger, as some of them fell apart on the grill because they were so juicy.

  8. this recipe is so delicious! i have made it twice and came back today to get the recipe to make it tonight! love it!
