
Monday, July 12, 2010


The best things happen organically.

Saturday morning I woke up to rain. I was planning on running with my local running club, but after a long tiring week and an even longer Friday night up with the babe, I squealed like a school kid who sees snow outside when my husband told me it was raining at 6 am.

I ended up running with the club Sunday instead. I rarely ever run on Sunday, but decided I would just go and squeak out 4 miles for the weekend. Since TGB has been born I had yet to cross the 4 mile barrier. I wasn't really looking forward to the Sunday run, I was feeling like it was something I had to do, and honestly I just wanted to go and get it over with.

But then I started going, and I didn't feel terrible. In fact, I felt pretty good! And when I got to the 2 mile turn around point for the 4 mile option, I actually ran past it on accident! Before I knew it I was tagging along with the 6 mile people. I had no Garmin, no iPod, and no plan. At the end of the run I was told we did 6.3 miles in 54 minutes. And for me, that was much faster and farther then I had gone in quite a while. It just kind of happened organically, and it ended up being the best run I've had in months and months!

Some of my best meals come together organically too! Later in the day I was having one of those moments where you look through the fridge and wonder what you can make with what you've got. I had these beautiful *and organic!* peaches from CSA I had been wanting to do something fun with. Here's what came together...

Grilled Salmon with Peach Salsa

2-4 ripe peaches
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
half a fresh jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
chopped cilantro
2 tbl honey
juice from one lime
couple sprinkles of cumin
couple sprinkles of paprika
salmon filets
soy sauce

I actually didn't use the olive oil, salt or green onion as depicted. Thought I might, but as I said, this kind of just came together as I went.

Mix the honey, lime juice, and spices together in the bowl, then add chopped ingredients.

Then I strained out some of the juice from the salsa, and mixed a little soy sauce in for some saltiness to combat the sweetness to marinate the salmon.

Then I handed it over to my husband and let him do the grill thing. I don't grill!
Top with the fresh salsa... it was the perfect combo of sweet, spicy and salty! Light and perfect for summer. And its pretty. :)


  1. oh my word. YUM!!! that looks fantastic! what a great run!! way to go!

  2. Great job on your 6+ mile run - those "organic" runs really show you what you can do so that when you are having a tougher run, you know in your mind what you are capable of!!
    Love the salmon recipe! Thanks for sharing....

  3. Karen - your blog makes me hungry and also want to be a mom! And also sad because I'm missing out/will miss out on my favorite summer foods in 2010.

  4. Just saw you bio over at Mile Posts and came over to check out your blog! I love it...looking forward to seeing your future posts!

  5. This looks great! Came from Mile Posts and will be sticking around!
