
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Spoiled Mom on the Couch

I haven't cooked a meal in 3 weeks, and I hadn't run in 5. I've been super spoiled, with such great friends bringing me meals nearly every single night! I'm a little scared that when I actually DO go back to planning and making meals again I won't remember how! When you're "in it," you don't realize how much work it really is. Planning and making meals every night was just so much a part of my daily life that I never thought much of it. Now that I've been "out of it" for a few weeks, I'm realizing how much work it really is to keep a fridge fully stocked and meals planned for a family-of-five, seven days a week!

This morning I dusted off my running shoes and met up with my local running club for their Inaugural 5k Run. Same as with my cooking, I was feeling rusty. My gait felt weird, my legs felt heavy, my lungs weren't yet acclimated to this incredible Virginia humidity. But a few things didn't change... the fresh air and the sunshine on my face felt just as rejuvenating as I remembered. My same group of girlfriends was there, incredibly supportive as always. Its one of the few times we can chat and chat and chat... with no interruption from kids!

So even though my pace was nice and slow and I stopped to walk a few times, it really didn't make a difference. I was just happy to be out there doing what I love again.

Tomorrow night I'm going to become reacquainted with my second love... food. Our CSA deliveries started up this week and I have a huge fresh bunch of Kale that is calling my name.


  1. It was soo nice having you back! You look amazing :) You'll be back feeling normal, cooking and running like a pro soon enough :)

  2. Looks to me like you didn't forget how to run :) It was so nice being able to run with you though as my pace gets slower and slower yours will get faster and faster. I'm glad we got to start our day out together!
