
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wings and Beer

Not really, but this is what the taste of this salad makes me think of. It was delicious, but you won't like it unless you like a good spicy hot wing dipped in blue cheese. Buuuut, the great thing is that this is way healthier than that!!

Speaking of getting healthy... registration opens for Army 10 Miler this morning!! Last year the race sold out in 6 short days!! I've only run Army 10 once, the year I had my second baby. I had done a few half marathons, but this was my first 10 miler ever. ANYONE can sign up for this race. If you've been running for a while, then a 10 miler is a great distance to work on improving your speed. If you are newer to running, a 10 mile race is such a great goal to set!! It's a totally attainable distance to train for, and such a huge accomplishment. And this particular 10 miler is so well organized and well marketed. So SIGN UP today! Don't think about it, just do it. Just sign up right now and figure out the rest later. I can promise you this, you will NEVER regret the runs you do, but you will always regret the ones you skip!!

Thanks ELINA for the great recipe!

Spinach Buffalo Chicken Salad

For the salad:
shredded chicken breast (not pictured, I had two breasts cooked and leftover from the weekend, but a rotisserie chicken would be perfect)
Red Hot (one of the healthier buffalo sauces b/c its not laden with butter)
big bag of spinach
sweet peas
carrots (shred or thinly slice)
celery (chopped)

For the dressing:
1 tbl mayo
3 tbl greek yogurt
handful of blue cheese
olive oil (maybe a tbl to two... enough just to loosen up the dressing)

Mix about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Red Hot with the shredded chicken

Cut and prepare all your veggies and put them in a big bowl...

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing (it will be thick-ish) and toss it in the veggies. Use your hands!! The dressing is thick so its the only way to get it through. When I make this again, I will toss just the carrots, peas and celery in the dressing and then put it on top of the spinach... this will make it easier to save leftovers!!

Top with chicken...
See? Hot Wings and Beer with zero guilt :)


  1. YUM

    I am hungry at work, my blog should be "hungry girl at her desk"

  2. yumm, i make something like this but without the creamy dressing. I am going to try it this way!
