
Monday, April 5, 2010

Pulled Pork Part 1 of 3

Okay, this series of recipes I'm going to post over the next few days utilize my absolute favorite things... using the crockpot (because it does all the work for you) and making several meals out of one. I LOVE THAT!! I feel like any subsequent meals you get after the first one are basically free.

I was really excited about this too because I got the pork shoulder from the Home Farm Store. It was $6.99 a pound which is definitely steep for pork shoulder, BUT I got three meals out of it, so it was totally justifiable.

Southwestern Pulled Pork Tacos

1 can of black beans (rinsed and drained)

1 can of corn (drained)

2 pounds of boneless pork shoulder

1 jar of salsa

2 tbl of oregano

2 tbl of chili powder

2 tbl of unsweetened cocoa powder

Smother allll the ingredients (except corn and black beans) on the pork. I know... it looks kinda nasty. Now go away and let the crock pot work its magic for 6-8 hours on low heat.

When its ready, take it out, cut it in half and scrape off the seasonings from one half. Stick that in the fridge for another nights meal!!

Then shred what is left. Shred, rough chop, whatever you need to do to get the job done.

So it looks like this...

Then add the corn and black beans into the crock pot with the salsa-y goodness

Add the pork back in.... yummm
Serve it up in a corn or flour tortilla with your favorite taco toppings! (My personal fave, guacamole... avocados, lime juice, salt, garlic powder, onion, tomato, chopped fresh jalapeno and cilantro... mmmmm so good).
So I still had a TON of the pork leftover after we ate. I put what was left in a container and froze it and actually used it up tonight in Enchiladas. I'll post that too!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Did Home Farm Store sell it to you at 2 lbs? I made the mistake and went to Teeter (Farm Store is actually closer to me)and they said they only sell the whole shoulder so it was 6 lb's!!!!
