
Monday, January 4, 2010

Reset Run

I wanted to share this passage from a a blog I like to read written by Kristin Armstrong (Lance's ex-wife). I love the way she thinks, lives and writes and this particular blog about a Reset Run was a beautiful way to articulate the many ways that running helps to make me a better mom, wife, and friend.

"Here it is, already somehow the day before New Year's Eve. The idea of a Reset Run as a transition between 2009 and 2010 sounds appealing so I am planning one for the morning of January 1st. I have to do some thinking before I hit the pavement that day. I want to spend some time considering the things I want to leave behind so I can tread lightly this year, as well as the things I want to run toward. I want to leave behind things like any form of lingering guilt, any resentments, any relationships that weigh me down, any worries that hold me back, any old definitions of myself that I've outgrown, any fears that limit my view.

And I want to run ahead into beautiful things like freedom, friendship, contentment, joy, love and understanding. I wish we could all go together on a Reset Run."

I did attempt a Reset Run Saturday, the first weekend run of 2010, but I came home feeling demoralized. Running into strong headfirst winds, on one of the coldest mornings of the year, with a bowling ball in my uterus proved to be a rotten combination. This morning I was still itching to get in a good Reset Run to start the year off. But yet again I was daunted by the prospect of winds and cold at 5:45 am and skipped it. Thankfully, my friends who happen to be both moms and runners truly understand the need to get out and *pound the pavement* and watched the kids so I could go when the sun was shining. I came home feeling uplifted about the coming year, hopeful about running through these cold winter months as I get rounder and rounder, and ready to tackle the long list of things to be done in the next few months before a baby girl enters our lives.

And now, I leave you with a recipe. A good crock pot recipe for an icy cold winter day like today. My friend Jackie made this for my girlfriends and I last night and both the chili and the company were fantastic!

Black and White Chili

  • Brown 1 lb of chicken breast cut into 3/4 in pieces and 1 chopped onion in pan
  • Dump 1 can black beans, 1 can Great Northern beans, 1 can stewed tomatoes, and 2 tbl chili powder in your crock pot
  • Add two cloves fresh garlic and 1 chopped yellow zucchini for some extra flavor and color
  • Cook on LOW for 4-5 hours
  • Garnish with Green Onions and Cheddar Cheese and ENJOY!

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